How to Use status quo in a Sentence
status quo
noun- He is content with the status quo and does not like change.
Now, the status quo from the last school year is back in place.
—Karen Kaplan Science and Medicine Editor, Los Angeles Times, 13 July 2021
But for now, the status quo has not budged, The New York Times says.
—Ed Silverman, STAT, 3 June 2022
This is, of course, the view of people for whom the status quo works fine.
—, 16 July 2021
If the worst-case scenario is the same as the status quo, what is there to lose?
—Grayson Quay, The Week, 8 Mar. 2022
What is the status quo around the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif?
—Yasmeen Serhan, Time, 4 Jan. 2023
Voters have cried out for a change from the status quo.
—Samantha Schmidt, Washington Post, 19 June 2022
But the status quo is something that Ben Gvir and Smotrich can work with.
—Bernard Avishai, The New Yorker, 7 Jan. 2023
Their first goal is to maintain the status quo at any cost.
—Hannah Grossman, Fox News, 12 July 2022
Instead, the best the Orioles can hope for is status quo.
—Jon Meoli,, 29 Nov. 2021
That status quo is defined by the outcome if the Supreme Court didn’t take up the case at all.
—Matt Ford, The New Republic, 9 Feb. 2022
But Schultz may not be able to persuade workers to stick to the status quo.
—Danielle Wiener-Bronner, CNN, 29 Mar. 2022
But the status quo is not the answer with Golden State and Phoenix ruling the West.
—Jeff Zillgitt, USA TODAY, 11 Dec. 2021
The status quo allows for Muslims alone to worship at the site, where the Al-Aqsa mosque stands.
—Peter Aitken, Fox News, 6 Jan. 2023
Dating Investors seem to have grown bored of the status quo.
—Laura Forman, WSJ, 12 May 2022
The book became a guide for many restaurateurs fed up with the status quo.
—Ali Francis, Bon Appétit, 2 Aug. 2022
The one person in the Mossbacher group who veers off the status quo course is Quinn.
—Jen Chaney, Vulture, 15 Aug. 2021
The culture has shifted too much for the status quo to remain in place.
—Globe Staff,, 29 Apr. 2022
So much so that the status quo norms will do any and everything to take them down.
—Kate Aurthur, Variety, 17 Aug. 2021
Metal was for people like us who didn’t fit in with the status quo.
—Andy O'Connor, SPIN, 15 Feb. 2022
And each one preserves the commission status quo, at least in the short run.
—Lew Sichelman, Miami Herald, 9 Apr. 2024
The thought of taking a risk and giving up the security of the status quo could be scary.
—Chicago Tribune, 2 Nov. 2022
Putin retreats and the pre-war status quo is reestablished.
—Mark Cancian, Forbes, 7 Mar. 2022
That’s a lot of money to spend on a horrific status quo.
—Jennifer Egan, The New Yorker, 11 Sep. 2023
Voters on Tuesday said they were fed up with the status quo.
—Niraj Warikoo, Detroit Free Press, 8 Aug. 2021
Few want the return of the pre-pandemic status quo more than Nike.
—oregonlive, 7 Aug. 2021
The day until which Smart-TD, the last union to reject the September deal, has agreed to maintain the status quo.
—Ananya Bhattacharya, Quartz, 1 Dec. 2022
Kwame-Ross, a Black man in the mostly white and female department, pushed against the status quo at the school.
—Jackie Crosby, Star Tribune, 24 July 2021
The best foods to focus on to keep your gut status quo are plenty of fiber-rich whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes, plus fruits and veggies, adds Wright.
—Mara Santilli, Flow Space, 18 Feb. 2025
Taylor remained on set of the show as status quo after the allegations were made so this is the first sign of anything taking place.
—David Faris, Newsweek, 27 Feb. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'status quo.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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